Ross Family

Ross Family Information Headquarters

Family Info


When They Met: xxxx

How they met: xxx

WEDDING DATE: 06/12/1983


FATHER: Benjamin Ross

BIRTHDATE: 02/18/1960

› Job information

› Other facts about Father

MOTHER: Anna Ross (Samuels)

BIRTHDATE: 07/17/1962

› mother's job information

› other information about mother

› family dinners?

› holidays?

› family traditions?

Ross Siblings

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name → Phoenix Jade Ross
dob & age → 03/28/1994
occupation → Vlogger & Nanny
resides → Davenport Park (Crescent Apartments)
details →
has been vegetarian since she was 15
found out as an adult she has adhd but refuses to take medication for it
has a great memory with some things, but horrible memory with other things. if she forgets something whether it's plans they made together or a birthday, she truly is sorry and promises it has nothing to do with not caring!! she will feel horrible and insist on finding a way to make it up to you though.
talks a lot. she will go on and on and on if you let her!
while she loves being talkative, social gatherings can sometimes make her feel overwhelmed or shy due to how much her mind drifts during conversations when there are too many people involved rather than a one on one conversation.

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Other Family

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Grapeful Gardens and Winery

treehouse style cabin and of course, the winery!

They do a lot of events and are a popular wedding venue


Other family info can go here

Ross Family

Benjamin & Anna

The Ross Family

Father: Benjamin Ross
Mother: Anna Ross (Samuels)
Sibling 1: Owen
Sibling 2: OPEN BROTHER (35ish) link
Sibling 3: Cortlyn
Sibling 4: Maxwell
Sibling 5: Phoenix
Sibling 6: Bridget
Sibling 7: Autumn