April 17, 2021, 2:28 AM
A Work In Progress.

My Dearest Luna,
There are times where I wish I could freeze moments forever. Or be able to go back and relive them over and over again. Each and every day I have with you brings me more and more happiness. Everyday I watch you grow and learn more and more, while Felix and I learn right along side you.

When you were born and you squinted up at me with those beautiful eyes of yours, I instantly fell in love. When you started to coo and giggle, my heart melted and I learned my new favorite sounds. When you first learned to roll over all be yourself, I learned to celebrate quietly as to not startle you. When you learned to sit up all by yourself, I cried a little and learned that while you will always be my baby girl, you won't always be my LITTLE baby girl. You have learned to love baths and that they are actually a fun time. I learned that it's okay to make messes and end up (soaking) wet along side you.